Eliza & Rory’s London Wedding Bus

A fabulous little wedding at Islington Town Hall followed by a tour of the big smoke on big red London Bus. What an amazing way to start the year!

Full of emotion and colour, this was just a perfect wedding day. Islington Town Hall was the place Eliza and Rory had already celebrated some momentous events in their life, so it brought extra meaning to have their legal ceremony here too (another, bigger wedding is in the works). The best part of the day has to be the impromptu dance party on the bus (and the core strength needed to do this should not be underestimated!). As central London was closed to traffic, we had a lovely little stop off at St Paul’s Cathedral – which is also Rory’s favourite building, so everyone was happy.

Here a few preview images from their wedding:

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ABOUT Pete + Laura

Naturally drawn to expressions of laughter and love. The Lawsons are award winning wedding photographers.


Based in Lancashire and travelling all over the UK capturing gorgeous weddings.


Adlington, Lancashire
United Kingdom