We say on our homepage that we’re all about ‘taking pictures of people laughing their heads off at weddings’ and these lovely people are the perfect example of this. They really did have the best day ever, as all wedding should be! We should all aim to be surrounded by as much joy and love as these guys.
The wedding itself was at the lovely St Oswald’s Church in Malpas before heading off the very beautiful Iscoyd Park. We absolutely love weddings at Iscoyd. Not only is it stunning inside (with massive windows lettings loads of delicious light in) but the grounds are brilliant for a few portraits without having to go far. Always a win! The groomsmen all got ready in a lovely little cottage on the grounds of Iscoyd. It had a Smeg fridge, that’s how fancy it was.
Anyway (feel like there should be a drum roll here, maybe that’s just me), here are a selection of photographs from Fiona & Adam’s wedding at Iscoyd Park