Let me introduce you to our new little friend, the Fuji x100.
It is extremely pretty 🙂
I’m not going to review it in a tech spec way, instead I’ll just share some snaps I’ve taken with it at home.  It arrived the morning after we’d shot a wedding in London, done the 4 hour drive home and gone to bed at 4.30am (that’s why we look like DEATH!)…
Here’s what Pete looks like after a wedding 🙂
…and here’s what he looks like when I drag him outside so I can take pictures of him in his tartan trousers…
Look! Pretty fuzzy backgrounds on a compact camera, all my dreams have come true. Where is Pete’s hair going though?
So what’s my verdict?  It’s awesome, and the perfect compact camera for pros.  It’s really easy to get used to all the buttons and such, and it feels great in your hands.  I waited a long time for this camera, and I’m not disappointed!